Development Guide

Contributing to reference-sequence-fetcherdoc

There are numerous ways to contriubte to reference-sequence-fetcher. All of which are highly encouraged.

  • Contributing bug reports and feature requests
  • Contributing documentation
  • Contributing code for new features
  • Contributing fixes for bugs

Every bit of help received on this project is highly appreciated.

Setting Up a Development Environment

To contribute to reference-sequence-fetcher’s development, you simply need:

  • Python3
  • pip3
  • A few python packages:
pip3 install requirements.txt
  • A text editor

Reporting a Bug

If you discover a bug in reference-sequence-fetcher and wish to report it, please be sure that you adhere to the following when you report it on GitHub.

  1. Before creating a new bug report, please search to see if an open or closed report matching yours already exists.
  2. Please include a description that will allow others to recreate the problem you encountered.

Contributing Documentation

reference-sequence-fetcher’s documentation is written in reStructuredText and is compiled by Sphinx. The reStructuredText source of the documentation is located in docs/.

To build the documentation yourself, run:

cd docs
make html

You can then open the index.html file that will be created in the build directory.

Contributing Code

The development of reference-sequence-fetcher happens on GitHub. Code contributions should be submitted there in the form of pull requests.

Pull requests should meet the following criteria.

  1. Fix one issue and fix it well.
  2. Do not include extraneous changes that do not relate to the issue being fixed.
  3. Include a descriptive title and description for the pull request.
  4. Have descriptive commit messages.


To run the tests clone the repository and run the following command
